
Upgrade your smile and oral health with Aquapick’s Trade-In Program!

Do you have an old electric toothbrush or oral irrigator and want to switch to cutting-edge technology? Now is the perfect time!

How does it work? It’s simple! Bring your old electric toothbrush or oral irrigator to the Aquapick showroom and enjoy a fantastic up to 25% discount when purchasing a new and modern oral irrigator or electric toothbrush.

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You have 2 simple ways to take advantage of up to 25% discount for a new Aquapick product:

Method 1: Fill out the online form

Complete the form available on our website and send us your old oral irrigator or electric toothbrush to the address M. Sadoveanu 10/2, Chisinau, Moldova. We’ll take care of the rest! You’ll receive the product you selected in the form, delivered by courier, with a up to 25% discount.


Method 2: Visit our Showroom

Bring your old oral irrigator or electric toothbrush, regardless of the brand, to the Aquapick showroom at M. Sadoveanu 10/2, Chisinau, Moldova, and immediately receive a discount when purchasing a similar new Aquapick product.

Important Note:

To qualify for the discount, the products sent or brought, can be in either functional or non-functional condition and must include the following elements:

Oral Irrigator: the main unit (containing the motor), water reservoir, charging stand if included.

Electric Toothbrush: the main body of the toothbrush, charging stand.